CSS Import Test

Part I: The Simple Tests (Version 4.60)

[Introduction] [Submissions] [Tests] [Results]


Let this page load completely! There are about 30 different files that are linked in by this document. They must all load completely for the results to be valid!

How to interpret the tests

There are three types of test.

  1. The most common type has the following format:

    0. Description.

  2. The second type of test is used to test whether stylesheets for alternate media are ignored and has the following format (note the brackets!):

    (0). Description.

  3. The third type of test is used to test much more complicated things and is a link to another file:

    0. Description. [in another file]

    Instructions on how to decide if the test has passed (Y), has maybe (M) passed, is buggy (B), or has failed (N) are in the related file (rules differ for each suite of sub-tests).

If anything is red then there is a bug in the browser! Nothing should ever be red!

This system applies styles using classes, and uses colour to indicate success or failure. Browsers should support both these methods before being subjected to these tests. It would also be a good idea for the browsers to support the cascade properly. If the cascade is not supported, then these results cannot be trusted (especially those involving cross-folder tests).

The style rule applied is:

 .class { font-weight: bold; color: green; background: white none; }

Submitting Results

Nothing could be easier. To submit results, select the appropriate radio button for each of the following tests. Alternatively, e-mail me the information (don't forget to tell me which browser you used, too): py8ieh=importtestresults@bath.ac.uk


1. Inline style (style attribute). | | | |

3. Linked stylesheet with media attribute set to all. | | | |

4. Linked stylesheet with media attribute set to screen. | | | |

5. Linked stylesheet with media attribute set to screen, projection. | | | |

6. Stylesheet imported by linked stylesheet. | | | |

7. Stylesheet imported with screen media specified by linked stylesheet. | | | |

8. Embedded stylesheet (style element). | | | |

9. Stylesheet imported by embedded stylesheet. | | | |

10. Stylesheet imported with screen media specified by embedded stylesheet. | | | |

12. Linked stylesheet in another folder with media attribute set to all. | | | |

13. Linked stylesheet in another folder with media attribute set to screen. | | | |

14. Linked stylesheet in another folder with media attribute set to screen, projection. | | | |

15. Stylesheet in another folder imported by linked stylesheet in that same other folder. | | | |

16. Stylesheet in another folder imported with screen media specified by linked stylesheet in that same other folder. | | | |

17. Stylesheet in another folder imported by embedded stylesheet. | | | |

18. Stylesheet in another folder imported with screen media specified by embedded stylesheet. | | | |

20. Stylesheet imported by last linked stylesheet. | | | |

21. Stylesheet imported with screen media specified by last linked stylesheet. | | | |

22. Stylesheet in another folder imported by last linked stylesheet. | | | |

23. Stylesheet in another folder imported by stylesheet in that same folder imported by last linked stylesheet in this folder. | | | |

24. Stylesheet in another folder imported with screen media specified by stylesheet in that same folder imported by last linked stylesheet in this folder. | | | |

(25). Linked stylesheet with media attribute set to tty. | | |

(26). Stylesheet imported with tty media specified by linked stylesheet. | | |

(27). Stylesheet imported with tty media specified by embedded stylesheet. | | |

(28). Linked stylesheet in another folder with media attribute set to tty. | | |

(29). Stylesheet in another folder imported with tty media specified by linked stylesheet in that same other folder. | | |

(30). Stylesheet in another folder imported with tty media specified by embedded stylesheet. | | |

(31). Stylesheet imported with tty media specified by last linked stylesheet. | | |

(32). Stylesheet in another folder imported with tty media specified by stylesheet in that same folder imported by last linked stylesheet in this folder. | | |

33. Effect of the BASE HREF construct. [in another file]

35. Selection of alternate style sheets. [in another file]

36. Preferred alternate style sheets. [in another file]

37. Embedded stylesheet (style element) with media set to all. | | | |

38. Embedded stylesheet (style element) with media set to screen. | | | |

39. Embedded stylesheet (style element) with media set to screen, projection. | | | |

(40). Embedded stylesheet (style element) with media set to tty. | | |

41. Setting the default style sheet language. [in another file]

42. Correctly interpreting rel values. [in another file]

43. Correctly interpreting exotic media values. [in another file]

44. Correctly selecting from multiple preferred stylesheets. [in another file]

Now, please Try Part II! Thanks.


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