CSS Import Test - Test 42


The HTML spec says that link relations can't have whitespace (section 6.12). However the rel and rev attributes take a space separated list of link relations. The example in section 14.3.2 of the HTML4 spec says: Adding the keyword "alternate" to the rel attribute makes it an alternate style sheet. Thus, the rel attribute could take "stylesheet alternate" as well as "alternate stylesheet"

All stylesheets imported by this page use the HTML LINK method. See test 2 of the main test suite.


42a. Preferred stylesheet. This should be green at first.

(42b). Alternative stylesheet. This should be unstyled at first.

How to decide if the browser has passed

  1. If, when the page first appeared, 42b is red, then the browser should be classified buggy (B).
  2. If the first test is unstyled, then the browser should be classified maybe (M).
  3. If there is no UI feature to switch between alternate stylesheets, then the test is failed (N).
  4. If the UI feature to switch between alternate stylesheets only gives one possibility (probably "Preferred Set"), and you cannot switch to the "Alternative Set" stylesheet, then the browser is buggy (B).
  5. If you can switch the stylesheet from "Preferred Set" to "Alternative Set" in the UI, and that causes line 42a to become unstyled and line 42b to become red, then the test is passed (Y).
  6. Otherwise, if you can switch the stylesheet from "Preferred Set" to "Alternative Set" in the UI, but that does not cause line 42b to become red, then the browser is buggy (B).