If you have any comments to make regarding this test, e-mail ian@hixie.ch.
Browsers that are subjected to this test should support the HTML TEXTAREA element and the CSS3 white-space property.
IMPORTANT: At the start of each section there is a
control paragraph. If those paragraphs do not render as they say they
should, then this test is untestable in your browser, and in the
submission form, you should select "white-space not supported".
1. Normal
This is the control paragraph.
It should wrap like a normal paragraph.
If it doesn't,
and if this is spaced out, then
your browser
does not
support white-space.
In the TEXTAREA below, text you insert should wrap.
Also, multiple whitespace characters should be collapsed. This
probably means that it should be impossible to insert paragraph
breaks, however browser makers can get around this problem by
inserting "\A" CSS generated content into the content
model when you hit ENTER.
2. Nowrap
This is the control paragraph.
It should NOT wrap like a normal paragraph.
If it does,
or if this is spaced out, then
your browser
does not
support white-space.
In the TEXTAREA below, text you insert should
not wrap. However, multiple whitespace characters should
still be collapsed. This means that it should not be possible to
insert three spaces in a row, but it should be possible to
insert line breaks.
3. Pre
This is control paragraph.
It should not wrap like a normal paragraph.
If it does,
and if this is not spaced out, then
your browser
does not
support white-space.
In the TEXTAREA below, text you insert should
not wrap. In addition, multiple whitespace characters should
not be collapsed. This means that it should be possible to
insert three spaces in a row, and it should be possible to insert line