So your browser passes the CSS1 Test Suite and you think it follows HTML closely too, huh? Well, now try putting it through the evil test suite!
There are actually two sections: the evil tests and the wet blanket tests. The wet blanket tests are those that are so basic that everything should pass them (unfortunately, even some of these tests are failed by some browsers). In time, more and more of the evil tests will become wet blanket tests, as the standard of browsers improves. If you have any ideas of what else I could test, please pass them on to me... !
You may wonder, sometimes, which specification or standard is being checked here. This test suite does not limit itself to a single specification! Below I test HTML, CSS and even sometimes HTTP. Some tests are examining the cooperation of all three! THIS IS NOT AN HTML4 TEST SUITE!!! (Although I am currently working on a strict HTML test suite.)
NOTE ALSO that the HTML tests do not test actual
compliance with the letter of the spec, but rather examine
whether UAs (web browsers)
support the spirit of
the spec. For example, support for the "longdesc
attribute is never actually required by the spec, but I assume that
the aim of a browser author is to provide access to as much of the
data in a document as possible, and so I do have a test for it.
If you wish to discuss this, e-mail me!
Tesremas is now looking after the test suite index. You can jump to the test lists directly from here:
Informal results tables are available for both the Evil Test Suite and the Wet Blanket Tests. I welcome results submissions.
Test SuiteOBJECT
element by Antti Näyhä.