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Browsers that are subjected to this test should support the CSS color properties, grouping CSS selectors (a, b, c { }), the HTML LINK element method of importing stylesheets, and the HTTP Link header.

Note. This is also test 47 of the ImportTest.

1. Cascading Stylesheets

There are six stylesheets linked in to this document. In the following list, every item should be green.

  1. Should be green - Linked with LINK.
  2. Should be green - Linked with META.
  3. Should be green - Linked with LINK.
  4. Should be green - Linked in the same META as the next one.
  5. Should be green - Linked in the same META as the last one.
  6. Should be green - Linked with LINK.

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This page is maintained by Ian Hickson (

Last updated in January 1999.