Attribute Line Wrapping

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Browsers that are subjected to this test should give access to the following attributes: title, summary, href, alt

1. alt

In the following paragraph, there is an image with some self explanatory alt text.

This alt text
should not be wrapped
when displayed.
The words should all
be	the	same	distance	apart,
that is, evenly spaced

This is the same, but with a broken image:

This alt text
"should" not be wrapped
when displayed.
The words should all
be	the	same	distance	apart,
that is, evenly spaced

2. title

In the following paragraph, the text has been spanned. The span has a self explanatory title.

This has a title.

3. href

In the following paragraph, the text is a link. The link uri is not really a uri, but if you can see it, check that it has had basically the same transformations applied to it as the alts and titles above.

This has an invalid href.

4. summary

In the following table, check (if you can) the summary.


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Last updated in June 1999.