CSS Import Test - Test 76


This test is a stress test based on test 72, but less stressful. It has a persistent stylesheet that will take over 30 seconds to download (whatever the connection you have!). This is performed using a small script.

You may wish to see sample output from this script (which will take five seconds to download).


76a. Rule at top of 30 second stylesheet.

76b. Rule mid way through 30 second stylesheet.

76c. Rule at bottom of 30 second stylesheet.

How to decide if the browser has passed

  1. If test 6 is unstyled, then browser does not support this kind of linking and is a maybe (M).
  2. If test 6 above is green, and this page has displayed fine, then the browser has passed (Y). Eventually, 76a, 76b and 76c will turn green (unless your browser times out, or something). This is not particularly important.
  3. If the browser does not display this page, or at least not before 30 seconds have elapsed, then this browser has failed (N). This is because it is silly to wait for all related resources to be downloaded before displaying the page.