To find the results of the following four tests, find to which URIs the UA thinks the links point. If they point to this file, then the result is "base", otherwise the result is "./". See the table below for the expected results.

Empty: "" (should be base)

Path: "p" (should be ./p)

Query: "?q" (should be base?q)

Fragment: "#f" (should be base#f)


Empty Path Query Fragment Verdict
Escape 4.7 null ./p ./?q base#f buggy
iCab 2.51-pre base ./p base?q base#f up to date
Konqueror 3.0.5 ./ ./p base?q base#f buggy
Lynx 2.8.3-pre base ./p ./?q base#f out of date
Opera 5 base ./p ./?q base#f out of date
Opera 7.20 base ./p base?q base#f up to date
MacIE 5 base ./p base?q base#f up to date
Mozilla 2003072404 base ./p base?q base#f up to date
Netscape 6.1-pre ./ ./p ./?q base#f buggy
WinIE 6 ./ ./p base?q base#f buggy
RFC1808 base ./p base?q base#f obsoleted
RFC2396 base ./p ./?q base#f obsoleted
RFC3986 base ./p base?q base#f up to date